
7 Holiday Oral Health Tips to Keep You Smiling All Season!

Happy holidays! We hope you have plenty to smile about this year. Your smile is one of your most important assets. It affects your appearance, conveys joy and warmth, and makes you seem more approachable. If you’re happy (and you know it), your smile shares that information with the world. That’s why caring for your smile is so important – especially during the holidays. But what happens if you’re insecure about your smile?

The holidays are a time of celebration and a time to see friends and loved ones you may not see very often, but if you aren’t confident about your smile, you may not be able to enjoy yourself as much during the holiday season. Between all those happy greetings and family photos, the holidays aren’t the easiest time to cover your mouth in embarrassment. Thankfully, there are many ways to get your smile in shape for the holidays and beyond! Here’s why holiday oral health care is so important.

Protecting Your Oral Health During The Holidays

Your oral health is essential 365 days a year. During the winter holidays, however, it can be extra important to give your mouth a little boost of TLC. This is because your diet and schedule may change, and you may find yourself in social situations more often than usual. You may also be in more photos than usual, so if you’re not taking care of your oral health, you could be setting yourself up for embarrassment.

1.) Before you can do anything to improve your oral health, you should start with a healthy baseline. If you haven’t had an exam or cleaning at Egil Dental recently, it’s a great time to book an appointment. Once your teeth are clean and assessed for any health issues, you can move forward more confidently and proceed with any cosmetic treatments you may be considering.

2.) A professional whitening treatment is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get a healthier-looking smile for the holiday season and beyond. Depending on the state of your teeth, you can expect several shades of discoloration to be lifted with just one lightening treatment! In just one session, your smile will look whiter, brighter and more youthful.

3.) There are several options for whitening teeth, including in-office, take-home and over-the-counter treatments available at most discount stores. While professional results are much faster and generally lift more stains, OTC kits are usually safe. But make sure you check with your dentist before purchasing anything if you’re unsure.

4.) Another way to keep your teeth as white as snow this holiday season is to watch what you eat. Avoid eating foods that stain your teeth, like red wine, tea, coffee and berries. We’re not trying to be total killjoys, though, so if you must indulge in any of these delicious options, be sure to alternate sips and bites with water and brush your teeth about 30 minutes after you’re finished.

5.) Maintaining a healthy diet during the holiday is also essential, which we know is easier said than done. Be sure to limit the sugary snacks you’re consuming and opt instead for foods like fresh fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots and celery – all of which can help remove plaque and eliminate stains while you chew!

6.) Use a straw if possible when indulging in a festive beverage that could stain your teeth, such as mulled wine or hot chocolate. This will reduce your drink’s contact with your teeth, helping to minimize staining.

7.) Looking for another way to keep your mouth clean and debris-free between brushing? Chew on this: chewing gum! Chewing gum isn’t a substitute for brushing your teeth, but it can help keep the mouth clear and freshen your breath between brushings. Just remember to choose sugar-free gum.

The Final Word On Holiday Oral Health

Lastly, don’t forget that nothing is a substitute for good oral hygiene practices. If you’re concerned about the appearance of your smile over the holidays, pack a small travel toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss kit so you can brush up between meals. You may even want to carry a touch-up tooth-whitening pen for a quick whitening session before photos.

Remember: The holidays are meant to be a celebration, so don’t be afraid to smile! Try these tips for keeping your teeth fresh and clean, and contact Egil Dental to schedule a cleaning or cosmetic dentistry consultation today.