
porcelain veneers

Do you feel self-conscious because of chipped, stained, or misaligned teeth? Braces may not be the only option. Consider porcelain veneers, which are a popular and non-invasive way to transform your smile. Porcelain veneers can create a customized look that resembles natural teeth, giving you the beautiful and confident smile […]

trends in general dentistry

You may know what’s trending on TikTok, but what about at the dentist’s office? It may not be a silly dance or funny lines, but we still think it’s pretty cool! General dentistry is a field that is constantly evolving. The word “general” may give the impression that it’s dull, […]

Nothing brightens up a smile like perfectly aligned pearly whites. However, many people struggle with crooked or misaligned teeth, making them self-conscious about their smiles. The good news is that Invisalign, a modern alternative to traditional braces, can help achieve the straight and healthy smile you have always wanted. And […]

Are you embarrassed about your smile? Do you avoid smiling in public? Whether you are 18 years old or 80, adult orthodontics can transform your smile and change the way you feel about yourself. While children and teenagers are the most common patients for orthodontic treatments, adults who have been […]

Teenage years are a time of growth, change and, for some, orthodontics. Many parents and teens find themselves exploring treatment options to straighten their smiles and enhance their orthodontic health. If you’re a parent or teen in the Kendall area, say hello to teenage-friendly orthodontics that prioritize patient comfort and […]

Orthodontic treatment can be an essential part of maintaining overall dental health. Individuals with misaligned teeth or jaws can have difficulty chewing and speaking, as well as increased risk of tooth damage from ongoing wear and tear. An orthodontist can assess these issues and recommend a tailored treatment plan to […]

¿Sueña con tener una sonrisa bonita y sana? El camino hacia una sonrisa perfecta puede comenzar con el tratamiento de ortodoncia, que utiliza una variedad de métodos para restaurar la salud dental de una persona y mejorar la apariencia de su sonrisa. Si usted vive en Kendall, Florida, hay numerosas […]

Do you dream of having a beautiful and healthy smile? The path to a perfect smile can begin with orthodontic treatment, which utilizes a variety of methods to restore a person’s dental health and improve the appearance of their smile. If you live in Kendall, Florida, there are numerous orthodontic […]

El Dr. Gil es un ortodoncista experimentado y de buena reputación en el área de Kendall, que ofrece una amplia gama de tratamientos de ortodoncia para niños y adultos por igual. El enfoque experto del Dr. Gil y su dedicación a la satisfacción del paciente le han ayudado a ganarse […]

Dr. Gil is an experienced and reputable orthodontist in the Kendall area, offering a wide range of orthodontic treatments for children and adults alike. Dr. Gil’s expert approach and dedication to patient satisfaction have helped him earn the trust of families throughout the area. His practice offers an array of […]