General Dentistry

trends in general dentistry

You may know what’s trending on TikTok, but what about at the dentist’s office? It may not be a silly dance or funny lines, but we still think it’s pretty cool! General dentistry is a field that is constantly evolving. The word “general” may give the impression that it’s dull, […]

Most people would prefer not to visit the dentist, as chronic dental anxiety prevents millions of Americans from getting the dental care they need. However, advancing technology, relaxation techniques, and better dentist-patient communication have now made the dentist’s office more comfortable than ever. Consider the following strategies to help a […]

It is well known that good oral hygiene is important for maintaining overall health. Normally, we brush our teeth to keep our oral health in check, but did you know that oral health can have huge impact on our overall well-being? Our mouth is the gateway through which many bacteria […]

Good oral health plays a crucial role in children’s overall health and wellness. To set your child up for a lifetime of healthy teeth, it’s essential to develop a solid oral hygiene routine from a young age. When it comes to pediatric dentistry, preventive care is key. Let’s explore some […]

Preventive dentistry is the practice of maintaining good oral health and preventing dental diseases. It is important to take care of your dental health to ensure the health and long-term longevity of your teeth. The goal of preventive dentistry is to promote good oral hygiene and to prevent cavities and […]

At EGil Dental, we are dedicated to providing the best possible dental care to our patients. This includes offering a variety of dental filling options fit to meet each individual’s needs and preferences. Dental fillings are an effective and long-lasting treatment option for a variety of dental issues. In this […]

new year

Happy New Year! Now that 2023 has come to a close and the holiday rush has passed, it’s time to get started on making 2024 your best year yet. Whether you resolve to spend more time with family, travel or work on prioritizing self-care, now is the time to start […]

Regular dental check-ups are essential for identifying potential dental problems before they become serious overall health concerns. Check-ups are also a great way to stay on top of your oral hygiene regimen and help you maintain a healthy, bright and confident smile. This article will cover all the basics of […]

Good oral hygiene is an essential part of overall health and well-being. An unhealthy mouth can lead to serious health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions. General Dentistry is an important part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy. It involves preventive care to keep teeth healthy, diagnosis […]

Oral hygiene plays a vital role in maintaining overall health. Neglecting oral health can lead to various oral diseases, affecting not only your mouth but also your general well-being. One of the most effective ways to prevent oral diseases is through regular dental check-ups. These routine visits to your dentist […]