
The Lifespan and Care of Your Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns are a popular dental solution for restoring damaged or decayed teeth. They not only improve the appearance of your smile but also provide strength and durability. To ensure the longevity of your porcelain crowns, proper care and maintenance are essential. In this article, we will discuss the lifespan of porcelain crowns and provide valuable tips on how to care for them.

Lifespan of Porcelain Crowns

The typical lifespan of porcelain crowns ranges from 5 to 15 years, depending on various factors. Factors influencing the longevity of your porcelain crowns include:

  • Oral hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and flossing, helps prevent plaque buildup and gum disease. This, in turn, increases the lifespan of your porcelain crowns.
  • Bruxism: Bruxism, or teeth grinding, can put excessive pressure on your porcelain crowns, leading to premature wear and tear. If you suffer from bruxism, your dentist may recommend wearing a nightguard to protect your crowns while you sleep.
  • Diet: Avoiding hard and sticky foods can help prevent damage to your porcelain crowns. Consuming excessive amounts of sugary foods and drinks can also increase the risk of decay and compromise the lifespan of your crowns.
  • Regular dental visits: Regular check-ups with your dentist allow for early detection of any issues with your porcelain crowns. Your dentist can provide necessary treatments or adjustments to extend their lifespan.

Remember, the lifespan of your porcelain crowns may vary depending on individual circumstances. Consulting with your dentist about your specific case is always recommended.

Caring for Porcelain Crowns

Proper care and maintenance are crucial for ensuring the long-lasting beauty and functionality of your porcelain crowns. Here are some essential tips to help you care for your crowns:

1. Maintain good oral hygiene

Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Floss daily to remove plaque and debris from between your teeth and around the crowns. Consider using an antimicrobial mouthwash to help reduce bacteria in your mouth.

2. Avoid using your teeth as tools

Refrain from using your porcelain crowns to open bottles, tear packages, or bite on hard objects. Using your teeth as tools can lead to chipping or cracking of the crowns.

3. Wear a mouthguard during physical activities

If you participate in sports or activities that may pose a risk of dental injury, wearing a custom-fit mouthguard can help protect your porcelain crowns, as well as your natural teeth.

4. Be mindful of your diet

Avoid excessively hard or sticky foods that can damage your porcelain crowns. Also, limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks to prevent dental decay around the crowns.

5. Quit smoking

Smoking can cause discoloration and weaken the structure of your porcelain crowns. Quitting smoking not only benefits your overall health but also helps maintain the longevity of your dental restorations.

6. Schedule regular dental check-ups

Visit your dentist as recommended for routine examinations and professional cleanings. Regular check-ups allow your dentist to monitor the condition of your porcelain crowns and ensure early intervention if any issues arise.

By following these care tips and maintaining a proactive approach to oral health, you can maximize the lifespan of your porcelain crowns. Remember to consult your dentist for personalized advice and guidance specific to your situation.


Porcelain crowns are a valuable investment in your dental health and appearance. With proper care, they can provide lasting comfort and functionality. Remember to practice good oral hygiene, avoid excessive wear and tear, and schedule regular dental visits to maintain the lifespan of your porcelain crowns. By doing so, you can enjoy a beautiful smile and optimal dental health for years to come.